Bitcoin company BTC Direct added to crypto register Dutch Central Bank

Dutch bitcoin company BTC Direct has been added to the cryptocurrency register of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB).

This registration is mandatory in the Netherlands for every company that allows its users to buy, sell, trade and hold cryptocurrencies. Businesses that want to qualify for the registration must comply with anti money laundering guideline. The DNB is the Dutch regulator for all financial services and companies operating in the cryptocurrency sector.

The new crypto laws and regulations have been in effect since May 21, 2020. Its purpose is to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism via cryptocurrencies. One of the consequences of a registration is that these companies have to verify whether a cryptocurrency receiving address really belongs to the customer.

With this registration, BTC Direct can continue offering users of the platform the best service. Subsidiary BLOX B.V. received the good news two weeks earlier.

The registrations for both companies are steps in the right direction: The crypto sector is being taken seriously and investors are getting more confidence in bitcoin. Both BTC Direct and BLOX continue to provide the well-known excellent service to new and existing customers.

BTC Direct has been around since 2013 and has helped 600,000 users with bitcoin and other cryptocurrency’s in the past seven years. CEO Mark Bakker is proud that BTC Direct continues to play a major role in the crypto landscape:

‘Bitcoin is a technological and economic innovation that we will be hearing a lot from in the near future. I am happy that BTC Direct can remain at the center of this revolution. Seven years after founding our company, the registration with DNB is a new milestone. It brings legitimacy to our industry. A lot of hard work has gone into the registration behind the scenes. Little will change for our customers, except that we have to check receiving addresses.’

Cryptocurrency service providers that are active in the Netherlands will now fall under the supervision of the Dutch Central Bank for the first time. This ushers in a new era for crypto companies but also for the national bank, and an extensive process preceded the approval.

BTC Direct is registered with De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. (DNB) as a provider of crypto services. DNB supervises BTC Direct’s compliance with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act and the 1977 Sanctions Act. BTC Direct is not subject to prudential supervision by DNB or by the AFM on conduct of business. This means that there is no monitoring of financial requirements or business risks and there is no specific financial consumer protection.

Jerrymie Marcus komt uit de journalistiek en gelooft dat crypto de wereld kan verbeteren. Dat ondervond hij jaren geleden toen hij binnen een minuut waarde verzond naar zijn Indonesische familie. Bekend van o.a. Emerce, VPRO en EUclaim.

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